Tag Archives for " 25 sigma event "

The cone of uncertainty

Yes, its ‘cone of uncertainty’ time again for hurricane watchers as Dorian ends up over 350 miles from where it was projected to be 5 days ago. Given that the 5 day margin of error on these forecasts appears to only around plus-or-minus 125 miles, this must temper President Trump’s relief that the current forecasts […]

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Goldman’s next 25 sigma event may be blamed on Skynet

Goldman have reportedly replaced 600 traders with 200 computer engineers since 2000. The ratio however, doesn’t look very efficient, so presumably they’re working on other projects such as AI, although once this is developed there may not be too much demand then for Javascript developers either. https://www.technologyreview.com/s/603431/as-goldman-embraces-automation-even-the-masters-of-the-universe-are-threatened/   Hopefully, the programming and models will be […]

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