Tag Archives for " COVID-19 "

Singapore – another canary!

Is it a coincidence that Singapore, like Israel before it, is currently experiencing a surge in COVID deaths at almost exactly six months after the start of its vaccination programme?  Both countries were early adopters of a mass vaccination strategy to an approx 80% coverage, with Israel kicking off in earnest around the start of […]

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Hear anything?

“When the music stops, in terms of liquidity, things will be complicated,” Chuck Prince  (former Citi CEO) said in 2007. “But as long as the music is playing, you’ve got to get up and dance.” .       [videopack id=”15651″]https://growthrater.com/gr_web_m1/wp-content/uploads/I-dont-hear-a-thing.mp4[/videopack]   UK house prices are up another +10.9% according to the Nationwide and stock […]

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Lab-leak hypothesis – and the next shoe to drop?

Investing can sometimes feel like quantum physics, where there is no reality, but just a probability of outcomes.  While valuing a potentially miss-priced asset on an existing consensus perception of reality is one challenge, this is a mere entree to the broader problem that the future is unlikely to pan out as per the current […]

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Informed Consent?

What a fetid mess this whole COVID-19 p(l)andemic has become. More lockdowns and face muzzling which discredit their very effectiveness (since they obviously don’t work) and now a World Health Organization chief scientist Soumya Swaminathan suggesting that the long awaited vaccines won’t even be effective at stopping transmission.   Presumably this will be used as […]

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Bah Humbug!

Bah Humbug!

With Dover shut by the Frenchies and restaurants in large swathes of the land shuttered by an AWOL government, Tiny Tim will at least be able to bring home some of our own great domestic produce for what used to be the festive season. In season Turbot, Lobster and scallops from our cold waters or […]

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Never let a crisis go to waste

Well, they’ve got their financial reset, muzzled us and frightened us into obsequiousness. Unfortunately, as this CV-19 ‘pandemic’ develops, a chasm is opening up between Government policy in some countries and what is actually supportable by the IFR data. What might have been reasonable in the fog of the March panic is increasingly less so […]

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Command economics, or just fantasy financing?

Are the lockdowns really an attempt to spare over-whelming health services, or an excuse to bail out all those bad loans sitting on bank balance sheets since 2008? Either way, as IFR data emerges and debt liabilities spiral out of control, the justification and ability to sustain these policies are crumbling. Without central bank support […]

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