Category Archives for "Politics"

Goosing US jobs data, before it gets cooked next month!

Now that’s a surprise, an upbeat job growth (gu)estimate released by BIS, in its last update before the November elections. One might almost think they are trying to apply some lipstick to ‘Bidenomics’ to avoid the prospect of their own jobs being culled by that prospective DOGE grim reaper, Elon Musk. What may be less […]

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DOGE ball

Can the USD be saved? Given the trajectory in Federal debt and deficits and apparent reluctance of the Uniparty to extract their snouts from the public trough that seems unlikely. Indeed, the assumption that inflation and debt monetisation will continue to define US Treasury policy is the defacto consensus opinion within financial markets and as […]

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Another ‘conspiracy theory’ bites the dust?

After lies, damn lies and statistics, government ‘estimates’ such as the BIS’s monthly guesstimates for non-farm payrolls must rank as one of the more unreliable economic datasets, particularly in the run up to a quadrennial election year in the US. While also undermined by the debt fueled life support currently being administered by the incumbent […]

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Car industry goes soviet

“The new car market is no longer a market, unfortunately. It’s a state-imposed supply chain.”Robert Forrester, Chief Executive of Vertu Motors (UK) Unfortunately, this is a bit like noticing the iceberg after not only hitting it but realising that there aren’t enough life-rafts. At present, the car industry, including dealers such as Vertu, are reporting […]

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Is the ECB being hung out to dry?

Has the US BIS not got the memo to support the easing narrative with softening economic data, or is the ECB and Euro being hung out to dry? For those hoodwinked by the manipulated GDP deflator assumptions (see below)  between Q4 2023 and Q1 this year, into over-estimating the slowdown in economic activity must have […]

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The mighty US dollar – ruling over the ashes

At times like this it is difficult to comprehend whether there are any adults left at the helm in the US.  Jerome Powell’s attempts to ape his failed predecessor, Arthur Burns, is unraveling as fast as gold prices and bond yields are rising in the face of a so-called Republican Congress seemingly incapable of reining […]

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