Tag Archives for " Margin Call "

Hear anything?

“When the music stops, in terms of liquidity, things will be complicated,” Chuck Prince  (former Citi CEO) said in 2007. “But as long as the music is playing, you’ve got to get up and dance.” .       [videopack id=”15651″]https://growthrater.com/gr_web_m1/wp-content/uploads/I-dont-hear-a-thing.mp4[/videopack]   UK house prices are up another +10.9% according to the Nationwide and stock […]

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“It sure is a hell of a lot easier just being first” (John Tuld – Margin Call)

Has Yellen seen the movie Margin Call, I wonder? In it, Jeremy Iron’s classic Wall Street boss (John Tuld) referred to 3 ways of making a living: be first, be smarter, or cheat. Of course in financial markets these are not mutually exclusive options where Governments habitually use their central banks to operate their own […]

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“It sure is a hell of a lot easier just being first” (John Tuld – Margin Call)

//youtu.be/ag14Ao_xO4c   Has Yellen seen the movie Margin Call, I wonder? In it, Jeremy Iron’s classic Wall Street boss (John Tuld) referred to 3 ways of making a living: be first, be smarter, or cheat. Of course in financial markets these are not mutually exclusive options where Governments habitually use their central banks to operate […]

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