This QuickTake by Bloomberg video drive-thru of Wuhan paints an eeerily post-apocalyptic image that might be straight out of Twelve Monkeys or The Omega Man. My first reaction was to avoid any stock that needs to bring people together (restaurants, cinemas, airlines, event organisers, hotels etc) as the public reaction to this coronavirus is clearly […]
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Often referred to as the plumbing behind the financial markets, a better analogy for the US repo market would perhaps be as sausage making. That is because knowing how it’s made might deter one from having the confidence to consume it. With Federal Fund and repo rates both back down to within the Fed’s 1.50-1.75% […]
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“Everything is awesome” it seems for equities. An accommodating central bank, another goldilocks US jobs number, reducing trade tensions, de-escalating war drums in the Gulf and also reducing political risk as the US seems on track to follow the UK by keeping the fiscal crazies away from the government purse strings, when they go to […]
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Yes, its ‘cone of uncertainty’ time again for hurricane watchers as Dorian ends up over 350 miles from where it was projected to be 5 days ago. Given that the 5 day margin of error on these forecasts appears to only around plus-or-minus 125 miles, this must temper President Trump’s relief that the current forecasts […]
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“Wall St. analyst says WWE is his top pick, expects shares to climb 49%“. Gosh, perhaps the 7 senior management insiders that sold approx $23m in stock a week BEFORE the Q2 results announcement that suggested the FY19 guidance might be MISSED, may want to buy their stock back now. LoL! Check out the SEC […]
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Don’t forget, amongst the various features and valuation tools within the GrowthRater WebApp are regular commentary updates. Last month’s include the below:
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