First they banned Alex Jones, and I did not speak out—because I had never heard of him. Then they banned Louis Farrakhan, and I did not speak out— because I’m not Snoop Dog. Then they banned the climate change ‘deniers’, and I did not speak out—because I was cold. Then they came for me—but I […]
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“substantial monetary policy stimulus remains essential to ensure the continued build-up of domestic price pressures over the medium term.” So says Sig Draghi in yesterday’s release of the ECB’s 2018 annual report and so much for any doubt that the ending of the asset purchase programme (AAP) in December would actually herald a return to […]
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BTFD or STFR depends on what game you think is really being played out there in markets. The recent bounce in equity prices on the apparent reversal in the Fed’s QT narrative together with an improving narrative on Chinese tariffs and now hopes for a reversal in Brexit, notwithstanding the resounding defeat of Theresa May’s […]
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The impending demise of Theresa May’s government will be a sad loss to many of us who have been relying on our daily fix of gallows humour to keep us entertained. While many have been, and in some cases still are, deluding themselves that the EU is our friend and will negotiate a fair deal’ […]
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“We have to protect ourselves with respect to China, Russia and even the United States of America,” Mr Macron told radio station Europe 1. And the occasional stroppy 12 year old student as well it seems!
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If the price of continued US support after the Khashoggi murder was the lower oil price, then it must rank as one of the most expensive assassinations of journalist in history, with Saudi Arabia’s gross oil production revenues down almost $2bn per week. The attempt to resurrect his political reputation at the G20 meeting was […]
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War by other means? Forget the South China sea, Syria or Korea. If you haven’t noticed, the EU and China are locked in a high stakes game of chicken with the US over control of the World’s reserve currency, where the weapon of choice are interest rates. While much has been made of Trump’s attempts […]
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Confused? You certainly should be as the political game of betrayal over Brexit reaches its denouement. In the very short term, markets (both fx and equity) are unfazed by the ‘deal’ being foisted on them, as they have already been softened up by the project fear propaganda – ‘any deal is better than no deal’. […]
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