Well, they’ve got their financial reset, muzzled us and frightened us into obsequiousness. Unfortunately, as this CV-19 ‘pandemic’ develops, a chasm is opening up between Government policy in some countries and what is actually supportable by the IFR data. What might have been reasonable in the fog of the March panic is increasingly less so […]
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Will Trump go ‘full Boris’ after his brush with the ‘China virus’ and follow the Democrats with more lock-downs, or will it harden his resolve to get America back to work? Hopefully it will be the latter, as the pace of employment growth is already slowing and Pelosi’s foot-dragging on the stimulus bill will only […]
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Recent CDC data might confirm only 6% of US CV-19 fatalities were without co-morbidities, but sections of our political class seem reluctant to relinquish control and restore normality in society and economy. No more so than in the US ahead of the November elections and were those opposed to Trump appear determined to sustain the […]
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Are the lockdowns really an attempt to spare over-whelming health services, or an excuse to bail out all those bad loans sitting on bank balance sheets since 2008? Either way, as IFR data emerges and debt liabilities spiral out of control, the justification and ability to sustain these policies are crumbling. Without central bank support […]
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In December 2009 as the gold price was inexorably rising in the face of central bank currency debasement, called QE, we started to get scare stories about fake gold. A decade later and the Fed is back to its old tricks again and investors are rushing into the yellow stuff to preserve capital and once […]
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In war, the first casualty is often the truth. In the current pandemic and polarised political environment, this seems to be doubly so. Pre-existing conditions might be what kills you with COVID-19, but it is the pre-existing political bias and goal-seeking that is more alarming. Don’t expect the data to lead the narrative. Want Biden […]
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It didn’t come as a surprise, but perhaps it was fitting that the carnage in job markets would be confirmed on the 75th anniversary of VE day, as Western Governments achieve a level of economic collapse and authoritarian rule that the Nazi’s could only have dreamt of. 75 years ago our predecessors faced terrible odds […]
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“Stocks jump as global coronavirus case growth slows” blasts the headline from Yahoo this morning (Monday 6th April). With much of the western World under various forms of house arrest for weeks now, this should hardly come as a great surprise, but it tells us little on how and when we might be able to […]
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