AT&T spins out Warner Media – focus on the pipes rather than the sewage!

I’ll say this for new CEO, John Stankey, he’s got balls to spin off the $100bn Warner Media business his predecessor had bought only back in mid 2018. Presumably given John had managed the business briefly ahead of being elevated to COO and then to CEO, he either didn’t like what he saw, or saw […]

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Tf1 + M6 = another French champion?

Someone didn’t seem to get the memo from Macron that French culture and particularly, ‘French exceptionalism’ is no longer de rigeuer and once again corporate France has retreated back to a defensive consolidation along nationalism lines. So much for a sense of European identity.  On the positive side, consolidating two commercial TV operators in the […]

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Battle for the Fed narrative

Oh it’s such fun to see the Fed being played, if not by the government, then by the banks! Now however, both interests are aligned in attempting to persuade Fed Chairman Powell to keep the monetary punch bowl well filled, or risk yet another market ‘hissy-fit’. Hence the management of expectations for an entirely unreasonable […]

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Good news now good news?

So is Good news now good for asset prices? For the last decade and particularly the last year however, its been more a case of multiple expansion driven by  central bank/Govt money printing rather than rising returns that have been responsible for this asset inflation, so why would another month of robust growth in US […]

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Project Fear

“voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.” Change ‘pacifists’ […]

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Rising implied inflation heralds the end of the MMT party

“By My word and for the good of the state, The bearer has done what has been done.”   Has WuFlu returned us to a fictional 17th century where any excess is permissible “for the good of the state”, but where accountability is as nebulous as the infamous ‘Carte Banche’?  Looking at the unmitigated project fear […]

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Investors start to challenge fiat markets for delivery

It should be fairly obvious that when supply exceeds demand, then prices will fall. Print more fiat cash than one is growing the economy and you’ll end up with currency debasement, even if initially governments and their central banks can spin this as asset inflation and some sort of spurious economic success story. Spew out […]

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Informed Consent?

What a fetid mess this whole COVID-19 p(l)andemic has become. More lockdowns and face muzzling which discredit their very effectiveness (since they obviously don’t work) and now a World Health Organization chief scientist Soumya Swaminathan suggesting that the long awaited vaccines won’t even be effective at stopping transmission.   Presumably this will be used as […]

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